Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Baby Raccoons in the Backyard!

On June 22, 2010 we saw 2 baby raccoons, i was the first to see them and i said to Marina, (who was close by reading a book) "Marina, raccoons!!" they were very cute here are two of the pictures i took of them, one of them each!!


  1. What wonderful photos, Sierra! You seem to have a terrific eye for composing a picture, and the raccoons are so cute. I'm a little jealous. We only get squirrels and rabbits in our yard.

  2. These are cute. We don't get raccoons that close either - probably because we live so close to a well traveled road.

  3. You are amazing, Sierra. All these posts already on your brand new blog. I am very proud of you. I love you. Grandma


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